A Message From Our President: Driven by Purpose

Jan 5, 2021

Many of us will agree that finding our purpose in 2020 felt like searching for a needle in a haystack. With the upheaval of COVID-19, the elections, the closure of many small businesses, and the added stress of placing family and our businesses all under one roof, you may be questioning what is your “Why.”

Simon Sinek once said that “Everyone has a WHY – it is the purposecause or belief that drives every one of us.” I ask you, what is your purpose? What is your passion and motivation? What is the underlying reason that drives you to strive to do whatever it is you do? Each day that you wake up, are you making an impact, creating a positive change, or are you simply just doing enough to make ends meet?   

A few years ago, I travelled to California to participate in a leadership alignment retreat where we were asked, “What is your Why – your purpose?” As I struggled to search for an answer, I grew frustrated that I did not know what my true purpose was. The facilitator then directed me through an exercise through my childhood, which I initially thought was absurd, but in fact, it led me to understand my purpose: to give a voice to the voiceless. For the past 13 years, I have been giving someone with Limited-English Proficiency the ability to speak for themselves through our interpreter services, and by doing so, I am making an impact and creating a positive change in communities where English is not their first language. Had I not clearly defined my purpose for my business, I can honestly say that I do not believe that I would have a successful business today nor would I be standing here as your President Elect.

Today, I encourage you to seek out your own purpose. Can I also inspire you as part of the NAWBO community to consider including making a positive change in your community, in someone’s life, giving back to a young female entrepreneur, or simply reaching out to someone in our tribe. (Maybe you’ll discover your true calling is to help someone else as she struggles to find her Why.)  

On behalf of the board and myself, we wish you all a safe and wonderful holiday season!

Together & Stronger 



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