From The Executive Director

May 16, 2018

Jennifer Masi
President of NAWBO Chicago and Principal and Director of Creative Services for Torque
Hello Friends of NAWBO Chicago,
Right there at Chicago’s Mid-America Club, she took the stage like she owned it. She was 13 years old.
Lauren Robinson, CEO and founder of Foodvie, spoke at our 2018 Celebration of Achievement Luncheon on May 1. Lauren’s company makes an app where people enter food allergies and then scan grocery items, check recipes and find sources for good-for-you food choices (they have more than 30,000 products in the database!). Every Tuesday night this past school year, the young CEO has visited 1871 as part of the Young Entrepreneurs Academy, a program led by the NAWBO Spirit Foundation. Three cheers for YEA!
But it wasn’t just Lauren’s youth or her solid tech start-up that wowed me. In her speech, she said: “Participating in the business creative process of YEA!, I have learned the difference between a business idea and a business opportunity. And how many 13-year-olds get to speak in front of a crowd like this?”
Her quote smacks with gratitude. That’s what I loved. Perhaps gratitude best describes the Achievement Luncheon. We were grateful to learn from one another. Grateful to breathe in the eloquent remarks by Christie Hefner, recipient of NAWBO Chicago’s inaugural Voice Award. Grateful to be part of something larger than ourselves. 
When I close my eyes, I relive that day 80 floors up in Chicago’s magnificent Aon Center where more than 400 women leaders, corporate supporters and guests gathered. I think of the people in those seats. For one great, sunshine-filled day in Chicago, we sat around the same table. 
All of you made me proud to be a woman in business. You made me proud to be part of NAWBO. Thanks!
Jennifer Masi

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