5 Ways an Accountability Partner Can Help You Excel in 2019

Jan 8, 2019

Welcome to a brand new year! As you look at the calendar and think of all the possibilities ahead, what comes to mind? Do you feel confident in turning your ideas into reality?

Of all the steps you can take right now to ensure your personal and professional success over the next 12 months, choosing an accountability partner may be the most powerful.

Motivation experts say that finding a friendly, like-minded individual who will listen to your plans and check in with you frequently can transform your results. Multiple studies have shown that having a fitness partner will greatly increase your chances of showing up at the gym, and the same is true in business, where we often find it easy to set goals but harder to assess how we’re doing and to stay motivated.

A friendly, informal source of support

The secret behind a successful accountability partnership is peer pressure – the positive kind. Having someone who cares about us and offers honest feedback can be tremendously motivating. Humans are social beings who learn and thrive in pairs and small groups. Having someone who agrees to grow with you can provide the extra boost you need in working toward your 2019 objectives.

Unlike a mentor, who is usually a recognized leader in your chosen field who shares her experience and wisdom, an accountability partner is more like a friendly peer. She may possess a different skill set – in fact, experts say that choosing someone whose personality and talents are different from yours can enrich the benefits you both receive. The warmth and informality of working with a peer makes it easier to give and receive feedback and provide mutual support.

An accountability partner need not have the specific skills of a professional coach, though she should be a good listener who will help keep track of your goals and evaluate your progress. While it may be tempting to choose a best friend as a partner, you’ll benefit from finding a more objective peer who isn’t afraid to communicate when you’re off track.

5 ways an accountability partner will help you in 2019

  1. Move from unsteady to ready. As a business owner, you know that getting started on any new objective can be the toughest part. Let’s say you want to retool the billing system to achieve better cash flow. What new platforms are out there? Which one is really the best for you? How can you make this transition with minimal downtime and disruption? Just thinking about everything that’s involved could send someone down a rabbit hole of worry and procrastination, but an accountability partner can help push past those anxieties and make a strong start.


  1. Break down tasks and set realistic due dates. Doing this with a partner enables you to hear important feedback you can’t provide for yourself. Which steps should come first, second, third? What’s the best way to track results without creating undue anxiety? Is your schedule realistic, given the total picture of work and life commitments? Your partner’s guidance can help set the right plan and adjust it as you go.
  2. Talk things over at regular intervals to stay motivated. Just knowing you have a coffee date or Skype meeting coming up will help you stay focused. A natural rhythm will develop, reminding you to check your progress, work a little harder when necessary and store up topics for discussion. You’ll also look forward to hearing what she’s achieved and providing support when needed.
  3. Turn thorny challenges into solutions. Brainstorming with your partner can help you move past any roadblocks you may encounter. If a plan isn’t working, what can you do to turn things around? Do you need different tools, a fresh perspective, or just the chance to gripe for a bit? Change is never easy – and the shared empathy and understanding offered to each other will prove just as valuable as the concrete suggestions you share.
  4. Witness each other’s wins in a meaningful way. A good accountability partner will make sure you hit “pause” so you can see the progress you’ve made. This is especially crucial because, as business owners, we often fail to savor our own success. (We’re too busy figuring out how to get over that next hill!) Having a partner will change this pattern in a valuable way. You will be genuinely excited for each other by knowing exactly what’s gone into the challenge. Celebrating together will stoke the fire that keeps you feeling positive and strong, capable of reaching higher. And what could be better than succeeding together?

NAWBO is a natural forum to find your accountability partner

If you’re ready to choose an accountability partner, look no further than the amazing women of NAWBO. A glance at our membership directory will likely offer some wonderful possibilities, and an email or phone call may be all it takes to get your new partnership started.

If you prefer a face-to-face discussion, consider coming to NAWBO Talks on January 16 or attend a local Connects, BXG or Boardroom Exchange meeting ready to offer your partnership to a fellow member who would like to try the concept out. It’s a great way to engage members you’ve known for a while and would like to know better, or even welcome women who are entirely new to NAWBO.

Whatever path you take, we hope you’ll let us know how it goes. We love to hear your success stories so we can share them with everyone!

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