A Message From Our President

Aug 7, 2020

It was nearly ten months ago that I was seated as President, anxious yet confident – similar to that feeling of starting a new job. I was excited and hopeful to assist our talented and dedicated board to foster growth and strengthen the organization. Who could have known then that I would be called to lead amidst the first modern-day worldwide pandemic, blindsided and shaken with tremendous uncertainty.
I am trying.
But we are all in uncharted waters here. Whether you’re trying to figure out how to cover payroll, or worse, if it looks like you will be forced to shutter your business, we are all having a whale of a challenge. The only way through this is one day at a time. For guidance, visit the NAWBO website to find virtual learning and get updates on critical government programming designed just for small business.
It’s easy to feel isolated and alone right now, and you’re probably thinking that nobody else could possibly be facing these same struggles. Fear and despair are your enemies. That’s why you should reach out to the WBO’s you’ve met through NAWBO! Schedule a Facetime call or get a small group together on Zoom. Reaching out to others will show you that you are not alone.
This is the chance to connect with other women, even those with whom you may have met only briefly. Do yourself – and them – a favor and message them for an in-depth call. People are hungry for connection, so my hope is that you reach out to other NAWBO Members and find yourself comforted.
Uncertain times remind us why we joined this community: we are bound to rely on each other. In unprecedented times like these, that bond is even more important. We’re stronger together.
Edie Comminos
President, NAWBO Chicago

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