Business Steps Taken for COVID-19

Aug 7, 2020

Here are some of the recent steps that we took to mitigate the downturn:

Week of March 30th – reduced employee hours from 40 to 30.

Week of April 6th – reduced employee hours from 30 to 25.

We have since kept hours at 25.

Continue paying for healthcare.

We have five owners – Three are now on a three-week rotating basis. Each person is in the office one week over the three weeks to prevent from all being sick at the same time. Other two owners work strictly from home due to higher health risk.

Production team – also rotate days based on workflow.

Employees are paid 25 hours regardless of their billable hours.

We can only come into the office if we have a deadline that must be met. Otherwise, everyone is encouraged to work remotely using a secure VPN (set up by IT).

Require all employees to sign remote working agreement.

Convert our internal Tuesday morning “Town Hall” to virtual Zoom call. Add additional call on Fridays to prep for the following week.

We don’t make any promises beyond the following week.

We’ve worked around peoples’ concerns about being exposed in the office by:

  • Having the office cleaned twice a week
  • Lysol wipes, sanitizers, social distancing
  • No outside salespeople, UPS drivers etc. allowed in the building
  • No one allowed to eat in the lunchroom
  • No shared meals

Hope this helps!

Mary Lawrence
Richard Graphics Communications, Inc. 

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