Member Spotlight: Gratitude

Nov 2, 2022

As a woman business owner, what are you grateful for this past year? What took place within your company that allowed you to stop and be thankful for its impact? And how will that affect the mindset in which you enter 2023?

Mary Aregoni, Founder & CEO
Saigon Sisters

I am most grateful that my family is healthy after a couple of recent ER visits, and that we can still run our businesses, keep people employed and continue to serve our customers. We also created a more inclusive and diverse team in the kitchen and provided an opportunity for a young minority female talent to take on a leadership role so she can hone her skills and be prepared for future career advancement. That was a tough decision that caused some people to quit, but it was worth it in a long run because we can shift the mindset for a better working environment and attract new talent to join our team.

Teresa Ging, Founder & CEO
Sugar Bliss

As CEO and Founder of Sugar Bliss (a woman- and minority-owned bakery in Chicago), I am grateful that Sugar Bliss got the opportunity to launch four of our packaged cookie products into 40 Chicago Walgreens stores this past summer. We are thankful that Walgreens was the first retailer to give us this opportunity, which has been the steppingstone for us to be in more retailers and other outlets including train stations, airlines, and coffee shops in 2023. With this new product launch, Sugar Bliss continues to achieve its social mission as we donate 10% of the proceeds to support women and minority entrepreneurs, wildlife conservation, and we use recyclable packaging to help this blissful earth. As we enter 2023, Sugar Bliss is excited about the new opportunities to grow the business into a nationwide brand.

Farissa Knox, CEO
RLM Media

I am most grateful that my 14-year-old company is still in business. The simple fact that I have been able to keep a business open and thriving while employing up to 30 people over the past year is no small feat as a 41-year-old black woman living in these times socially, economically and otherwise.  We were able to maintain an environment that fosters trust, flexibility and some element of safety during these unpredictable times. And we were able to do it in a way that is truly inclusive and not from one perspective. It has been a challenging year but looking at it from this perspective allows me to walk into 2023 knowing that my firm, myself and my team are capable of doing hard things while still taking care of each other.

Lauren Ramsey, Chief Engagement Officer
Betsy Bash

I am grateful for my first year with the NAWBO community. I was welcomed with open arms, and I am so appreciative of the friends I’ve made. I joined a NAWBO Mastermind in January, which may have been my best decision all year. I look forward to our monthly calls very much! The camaraderie, vulnerability and trust built within our group leads me to believe that we will all be in each other’s lives for years to come. Outside of our Mastermind, I’m grateful for the clients that trust my company to lead their digital strategies. We have helped businesses navigate TikTok and Instagram Reels while maintaining their goals and budgets, which is a tricky task. I am also grateful to be rounding out my fourth year as a mentor at 1871. So far this year, I’ve mentored 20 startups and solopreneurs through digital marketing strategies that are manageable, actionable and profitable. Sharing my gifts for social strategy is a blessing year-round. I’m thankful to have built a career and business around something I love. 

Baboonie Tatum, Co-Owner
Rise & Grind Cafe

This year has been very challenging personally: I had cataracts in both eyes and my 17-year-old daughter was diagnosed with thyroid cancer (but I am happy to report that she is doing exceptionally well). In the world of entrepreneurship, sometimes it is very easy to shut down and give up, but knowing that I have people counting on me and a great team that supports me and my vision keeps me going. We will be reopening our third and fourth locations in 2023, which is a great way to start growing our business. This year, my mindset is focused on gratitude and the big picture, remembering to keep going no matter how hard left and business get.

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