A Message From Our President – December

Dec 6, 2022

December is here (already!) and it’s amazing the way another year has flown by so quickly.

On the other hand: ‘Tis the season to be jolly! What an exciting and magical time of year – holiday parties and get-togethers like it’s 2019! Our own in-person NAWBO Chicago holiday party was a ton of fun and booked to capacity, and it was wonderful to catch up with members and connect with other guests.

But while all this joy and merrymaking occurs, it’s important to take some time to plan for 2023 and set goals – professionally and personally – because planning is critical to success. One must set and then regularly reassess goals because without this process, we would wake up every morning and wander aimlessly through the day.

Now that the year is just about wrapped up, we are suddenly playing catch-up and minimizing our expectations as time has passed us by. When I plan, I like to define my targets as “achievable,” “reachable” and “super stretch!”  For instance, I work in residential real estate and a big part of planning is forecasting the number of transactions I would like to complete in the coming year. I have three sets because some years are hot and some (despite our best efforts) are not. In my case, outside factors like the economy and interest rates have a lot to do with achieving a stretch goal. So, you need to be prepared.

Markers are a great way to measure performance and determine if you’re on target to reach your goals. The satisfaction of knowing that you’re on target for an attainable or stretch goal is very rewarding. This is especially true when working with a team because seeing the progress as attainable increases everyone’s buy-in. Getting your team on track with united goals will equate to a successful year.

Creating common and individual goals with each of your team members is a way to keep everyone on track in the coming year. Les Brown said, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll be among the stars.” You should always go big when dreaming, or in this case, planning.

Goals give life meaning and direction. If this year was good, don’t make the same goal twice in a row (unless you managed to put that 10 pounds back on after working so hard to lose it!). But in all seriousness, setting goals is a way of enriching your life. By accomplishing goals, we can take pride in our achievements. It allows us to realize that we can continue setting more goals and get to a place we may have never thought obtainable. By breaking your goals down into smaller accomplishments that are monitored throughout the year, the stretch and “super stretch” goals can very well become attainable.

It’s also important to not set too many goals and become overwhelmed. You may currently find yourself struggling just to keep pace with meeting last year’s objectives. Setting three to four personal and professional goals is all you really need to do. Envision what your life will be like with these stretch goals accomplished and then consider creating a vision board to reinforce your efforts on a daily basis.

I wish all our NAWBO Chicago members and supporters a wonderful year-end closure. You all made the chapter an incredibly special place in 2022 with unchartered growth and connections. Go get your goals. And if you need direction, feedback or an ear to bend, look within NAWBO Chicago. We’re here for you because we are stronger together.

Have a safe, happy and healthy New Year!




Edie Fienemann

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