Message From Our President – January 2024

Jan 3, 2024

Happy New Year! As we usher in the promising possibilities of 2024, I am enthusiastic about the incredible journey we have ahead of us as a community.

Growth, both personal and professional, is at the core of our mission as women entrepreneurs. It is the force that propels us forward, challenges us to step outside our comfort zones and empowers us to reach new heights. In 2024, we will have opportunities to embrace the spirit of growth and leverage it to enhance our businesses, expand our networks and make a lasting impact.

NAWBO Chicago is dedicated to providing the resources and tools necessary for your growth journey. Our upcoming NAWBO Chicago Talks, Connects, Masterminds and our upcoming Celebration of Achievement conference offer carefully curated opportunities to address the diverse needs of our membership. I encourage you to actively participate, share your insights and connect with fellow members at these events.

In the spirit of growth, let’s also focus on mentorship and collaboration. I encourage you to use the benefits of your membership. I extend to you a personal invitation to attend an in-person event, to login to NAWBO University, and take advantage of the online training opportunities. Reach out to your fellow members, share your experiences, and learn from the wealth of knowledge within our community. By lifting each other, we foster our individual growth and contribute to the collective success of NAWBO Chicago.

I am excited about the potential that lies ahead for each of you. As your President, my commitment is to serve as a catalyst for positive change, a supporter of your dreams and a champion for your successes.

I am wishing you a year filled with boundless opportunities, transformative growth and unparalleled success.

Warm regards,

Cheryl Vargas
NAWBO Chicago President
Creative in Chief of Art Studio 928

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