A Message From Our President – June

Jun 6, 2023

Greetings Fellow NAWBO Chicago Members,

It’s June! Not only the kick-off to summer, but also the mid-point of the year which marks the changing of NAWBO Chicago leadership. Sad but true, this is my last Message From Our President.  

I’ve truly enjoyed my year as President and I think the Board of Directors has accomplished a lot over the last 12 months with the invaluable help of Queen Bee, Melissa Lagowski and the team at Big Buzz Idea Group. Some of my personal highlights were the 2022 Summer Social, the 40th Annual Celebration of Achievement and maintaining our standing as NAWBO’s largest chapter in the country. 

I just celebrated my one-year anniversary of selling Alpha Metals and almost a year selling real estate for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. But wait, there’s more: I am in the process of buying another business with my husband, Bill. I guess I truly am a serial entrepreneur. Having a vision and following through with it gives me a great sense of pride and accomplishment. I am excited to add commercial property and new business to my portfolio, and to continue my involvement with Bill in residential real estate in Northwest Indiana and our new business.

So where do I find inspiration and confidence? 

Much of it comes from my affiliation with NAWBO Chicago and the women I’ve met along the way. NAWBO is truly an organization that meet the needs of women business owners wherever they are in their business journey.

Another large part is due to my Mastermind group, which is now in its fourth year and going strong. I strongly encourage you to make the most of your Premiere Membership and join a Mastermind. A well-facilitated Mastermind is a great space to open up about your business and how you would like it to grow. Joined together by other owners asking many of the same questions, it’s a supportive atmosphere where you can make yourself vulnerable in a safe space. My involvement in my Mastermind has been one of the most invaluable rewards NAWBO Chicago has provided me. 

I also encourage you to become engaged in the various monthly Connects groups. Make the most of your membership and attend as many events as possible. You will experience all that NAWBO Chicago provides its members. The love and support is contagious – almost addictive – in learning from others and helping someone whenever and wherever possible.

It’s been an honor and a pleasure to serve you this past term, and I am excited to welcome the many new members to our Board of Directors and our new President, Cheryl Vargas. Join me on June 14 at the Annual Meeting and Board Installation, or what I refer to as the changing of the guard. Our new leaders are strong business owners who are volunteering their time to NAWBO Chicago and sharing their varied expertise and backgrounds. A diverse board of directors collectively serves the greater good of NAWBO Chicago and makes it the best organization possible.

Please take care; I hope this letter finds you and your business going strong.  


Edie Fienemann

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