Message From Our President – September

Sep 5, 2023

The Barbie-themed networking event hosted by the DEI Committee was a shining example of the transformative power that relationships hold in the world of business. This event marked the collaborative efforts of a diverse team of women business owners, who, in just three short weeks, orchestrated an evening that will be etched in our memories for a long time to come. 

It was an evening that not only celebrated the vision, expertise, creativity and diversity of this exceptional team but also underscored the immense strength of our NAWBO Chicago community. It was an opportunity that we wholeheartedly embraced to connect and support our wonderfully diverse membership base. 

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, relationships remain the cornerstone of success. Just as Barbie has adapted to reflect the diversity of its audience, so too must we evolve our approaches to foster an inclusive and vibrant entrepreneurial community. Building and nurturing relationships is not just a soft skill; it is a strategic imperative. It goes beyond mere networking – it involves creating bonds that drive personal and professional growth, sparking innovation along the way. 

Our diverse backgrounds and unique perspectives are indeed our most valuable assets. They represent our individuality, creativity, and resilience. Every connection we make, every relationship we cultivate, adds a new dimension to our business acumen. These connections open doors to opportunities we may never have otherwise encountered. 

My membership in NAWBO Chicago serves as a constant reminder that, together, we are a formidable force, with each member contributing something distinctive and invaluable. In this spirit of giving, let’s remember to support our fellow entrepreneurs without any expectation of reciprocity. It’s the universal law that what goes around comes around, so let’s give generously and selflessly. 

I extend my deepest gratitude to our event planners and sponsors for their unwavering dedication to making the evening truly memorable. Your commitment to NAWBO Chicago empowers us to keep crafting meaningful experiences for our members and friends. As we journey forward, let’s not underestimate the significance of nurturing these meaningful relationships in our business endeavors. They are the channels through which opportunities flow, the pillars supporting our aspirations, and the very heart of our NAWBO Chicago community. 

Thank you for being an integral part of this vibrant network. 



Cheryl Vargas 

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