Message From Our President – October

Oct 3, 2023

As a creative entrepreneur, I’m a firm believer in the incredible power that resides within all of us. Our inner power transcends conventional definitions and manifests in many forms.  

Our powers are the unique abilities that others recognize and admire in us, the divine energetic force that propels us forward every day, the spark that ignites innovation, and the endless source of potential within us waiting to be unleashed. 

Power is a dynamic force, and it holds immense significance for women entrepreneurs. It’s the courage to dream, the resilience to overcome obstacles, and the determination to carve our own paths in the business world. It’s the belief that we can shatter glass ceilings, disrupt industries, and manifest impossible dreams while making a lasting impact. 

For women entrepreneurs, power extends far beyond individual success. It’s about the ripple effect we create in our communities and families. Our businesses are not just revenue generators; they are vehicles for positive change. When we thrive, our peers are inspired, our communities flourish, and our families benefit from our accomplishments. 

To wield power effectively, we must recognize its transformative potential. It’s not a tool for dominance and manipulation, but a force for positive transformation. We can foster inclusive and diverse workplaces that empower all employees, irrespective of gender, race, or background, and while doing so we enrich our businesses and contribute to the broader goal of creating equitable societies. 

We’re entrepreneurs, so we’re already Wonder Women! But we’re also so much more. While we’re juggling children, family, community, or the demands of our businesses, we are duty-bound to remember and acknowledge our unique superpower—that exceptional talent or quality that sets us apart.  

It’s the very essence of why people refer customers to us, the quality we receive constant compliments on, and the reason others seek our advice. Embracing your superpower is the key to unlocking our boundless potential. Whether it’s exceptional problem-solving skills, empathetic leadership, or a knack for innovation, our superpowers have the potential to inspire and empower others. 

So Wonder Woman, I challenge you to discover, embrace and acknowledge your unique superpowers and wield them to uplift your teams, peers, families, and communities. 

With an unwavering belief in our collective power,  



Cheryl Vargas 
Creative in Chief, Art Studio 928 LLC 
President, NAWBO Chicago 

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