Message From Our President – November

Oct 31, 2023

Greetings, remarkable women entrepreneurs of NAWBO Chicago! Last month, I attended the NAWBO Women’s Business Conference in Austin, Texas, and I’m bursting with inspiration and energy. The theme, “The Power to Dream,” resonated deeply with me, as I believe that within our dreams lies the potential to thrive and flourish. Thriving can take on diverse meanings for each of us; it hinges on our unique journeys, how we define success, and what we value most. So, the question that beckons is, how do we thrive while powering our dreams?
Here are a few thoughts I’ve brought back with me from this incredible event:
  • Define Your Dreams: To thrive while powering your dreams, you must first define those dreams. What are your aspirations for your business and life? Make them clear, tangible and measurable.
  • Personal Growth: Thriving can also mean personal growth. Business ownership is a journey of self-discovery. How are you developing vigorously as an entrepreneur, and what strategies are you using to flourish personally? 
  • Cultivate Resilience: The journey toward realizing your dreams isn’t always smooth. Challenges and setbacks are part of the process. To thrive you must cultivate resilience, using each obstacle as a steppingstone to move forward.
  • Network & Collaborate: NAWBO, like the conference, provides a vibrant community of like-minded women business owners. Networking and collaborating can breathe life into your dreams. Seek support and offer it in return.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Every step towards your dream is worth celebrating. Recognizing and appreciating the smaller milestones can fuel your motivation and momentum.
  • Balance Your Energies: Your dreams are powerful but remember that a balanced approach to life is essential. Take care of your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
  • Mentor and Be Mentored: Reach back to mentor others and look forward to being mentored. It’s a continuous cycle of learning and growing.
The power to dream, and subsequently the ability to thrive while chasing those dreams, is deeply rooted in our actions and intentions. It’s about pursuing your passions, living your purpose, and empowering others to do the same.
As I think back to the conference, I am filled with hope, knowing that each one of us has the power to dream and the strength to turn those dreams into thriving businesses. So, my dear NAWBO family, let’s harness the collective power of our dreams, support one another on this incredible journey, and celebrate every success, no matter how big or small.
And we should dream BIG – because we’re Stronger Together!
Cheryl Vargas
NAWBO Chicago President
Creative in Chief, Art Studio 928, LLC

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